


出 版 社:上海人民美术出版社

作  者:

编  者:黄嘉明 康金梅



开  本:8

印  次:2010年4月第一次


定  价:300.00

ISBN: 978-7-5322-6795-8


  值此刘瑞龙同志百年诞辰之际,上海人民美术出版社出版了这本画册,在此,我们特向参与刘瑞龙诗意画和铁军赞画展创作的画家和书法家们表示深切的谢意!向支持铁军赞画展及本书出版的组织者及所有工作人员表示深切的谢意。   北京新四军暨华中抗日根据地研究会四师(淮北)分会
  Foreword Mr. Liu Ruilong was a veteran member of the Communist Party of China (CPC). He joined the CPC in 1927, when the Great Revolution failed and the nation was under the White Terror. Over half a century of his revolutionary career, he experienced many significant events in the history of Chinese Revolution. He was one of the founders of the 14th Red Army. He crossed the snow-capped mountains twice, and passed the Great Grasslands three times. He was the leader of Publicity Department of the Sichuan-Shan’xi Revolutionary Base. His words and calligraphies stayed on wild rocks, front houses, memorial arches, and stone monuments as the Red Army vestige. These become the unique landmarks in Central Sichuan, which are treasured for the nation. During anti-Japanese War, Liu Ruilong followed Liu shaoqi (a Chinese revolutionary statesman, theorist, and Chairman of the People's Republic of China) to create partizan anti-Japanese base, served as the secretary of Military and Administration Committee for Jiangsu Province and Anhui Province. He also served as the chief administrator of Huaibei Region. He played an important role for the construction of anti-Japanese base areas. In the War of Liberation, he was one of commanders, and in charge of logistics for Huaihai Campaign, Cross Yangtze Campaign, and Shanghai Libration Campaign. He was the commander and political commissar of the Third Field Army, directly commanded and organized the logistic support for the front of the battles. Since New China was born, he had been leading the Agriculture Department of Chinese Government. He made great contributions to Chinese agriculture. This is particularly important because agriculture is the foundation of China.
  Mr. Liu Ruilong studied hard for his whole life, and also was very keen on writing poetry. Either in the period of his unsettled youth, or the war time with pressing military duties, or as a leader for national reconstructions, he was always the man of broadding and seriously explored new boundaries. He recorded the surge forward with great momentum history of the Party and the State with his true feeling. He left us with very valuable spiritual wealth.
  It has been known that poetry and painting are homology. Huang Jiaming and Kang Jinmei, husband and wife, are well-known painters in Shanghai. With their magnificent work, they have vividly elucidated the utopia from the poems of Liu Ruilong, demonstrated the dream of Liu Ruilong and his comrades for the motherland, and the great love to the people. From these paintings, you will be deeply touched by the spiritual world, personality charm, and lofty moral character of the older revolutionists.
  On the 100th birthday of Mr. Liu Ruilong, the People's Fine Arts Publishing House published this album. We would like to express our special thanks to the artists, organizers, and all other contributors.
  Beijing New Fourth Army Society
  and Central China Anti-Japanese Base Society (Huaibei Division) (文章来源:《铁军赞---新四军名将诗意画集》)


油画 009^_^Oil Painting 009
刘瑞龙 010^_^Liu Ruilong 010
赤化全川 011^_^Valley of Red Slogan 011
邓子恢 012^_^Deng Zihui 012
战争中的小憩—彭雪枫和刘瑞龙对弈 013^_^Rest in War Time-Playing Chess 013
大生产运动 014^_^Mass Production Campaign 014
新四军水上支队 015^_^Water Squad of New 4th Army 015
新四军水师 016^_^Marine Division of New 4th Army 016
衣往情深—张震和马龄松的爱情故事 017^_^Deep Feeling in Clothing-The Love Story of Zhang Zhen and Ma Ling Song 017
夜攻汾阳 018^_^Night Assault of Fen Yang 018
父女情深 019^_^Love between Father and Daughter 019
新四军女英雄杨纯 020^_^Heroine of New 4th Army Yang Chun 020
攻城—陈家港战斗 021^_^Attack City-The battle of Chen Jiagang 021
反清乡运动—新四军八旅了望哨 022^_^Anti Village Cleansing Movement 022
在如皋战斗中 023^_^In the Battle of Ru Gao 023
常熟古城 024^_^The Old City Chang Shu 024
洪泽湖渔歌—张爱萍诗意画 025^_^Hong Zehu Fisherman' s Song-Zhang Aiping Poetry Painting 025
洪泽湖的睡莲 026^_^The Sleeping Water Lilly of Hong Zehu 026
军歌之一 028^_^Army Song No. 1 028
军歌之二 029^_^Army Song No. 2 029
军歌之三 030^_^Army Song No. 3 030
皖江壮歌 031^_^Hero' s Song of Wan River 031
四明山之歌 032^_^Song of Siming Mountain 032
朝霞映在阳澄湖上 中国画 034^_^Dawn of Yang Chenghu Chinese Painting 034
新四军百名英雄谱 037^_^One Hundred Heroes of the New 4th Army 037
九寨沟—红军走过的路 040^_^Jiuzhaigou-The Once Walk Path of Red Army 040
驰骋江淮 041^_^Superiority of Jianghuai 041
陈毅诗—大雪压青松 042^_^Chenyi' s Poetry-Snow on Pine Tree 042
彭雪枫将军肖像 043^_^The portrait of Peng Xuefeng 043
邓子恢在淮北 044^_^Deng Zihui in Huaibei Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area 044
淮北风云 045^_^Stormy Situation In Huai Bei Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area 045
七十五岁生日述怀 046^_^Poetry on the 75th Birthday 046
张震出征图 047^_^The Start of Military March of Zhang Zhen 047
困兽难逃孟良崮 048^_^Cornered Beast Hardly Escape from Menglianggu 048
铁道游击队 049^_^Railway Guerrillas 049
秋山红叶走征途—江上青诗意 050^_^Marching in Autumn Mountain with Red Colored Leaves-Jiang Shangqing' s Peom 050
九寨沟秋色—霜叶红于二月花 052^_^The Fall' s Scenery Jiuzhaigou-The Frost Red Leaves More Colorful Than February Flower 052
雪域联盟 054^_^Union of Snowy Field 054
消灭刘湘三字经 055^_^Three Character Classic for Eliminating Liuxiang 055
平分土地方法 056^_^The Method for Equal distribution of land 056
冬晨过夹金山 057^_^Through Jiajinshan in Winter Morning 057
由宝兴北返懋功 058^_^Return to Maogong from Baoxing 058
战友 059^_^Military Comrades 059
蒋家河口战役 060^_^The Campaign of Jiangjia River 060
朱家岗战役 061^_^The Campaign of Zhujia Hill 061
小朱庄战役 062^_^The Campaign of Xiaozhu Villiage 062
后张搂攻坚战 063^_^The Tough Battle of Houzhanglou 063
板桥集战役 064^_^The Campaign of Banqiaoji 064
黄桥战役 065^_^The Campaign of Huangqiao 065
高密攻坚战 066^_^The Tough Battle of Gaomi 066
襄樊战役 067^_^The Campaign of Xiangfan 067
爱马歌—周纯麟诗意 068^_^Love of Horse Song-Zhouchunlin' Poetry Painting 068
抗战大学—淮北中学的露天课堂 069^_^The University of Kangzhan-The Open Classroom of Huaibei Middle School 069
战友—刘瑞龙和张爱萍在淮北抗日根据地 070^_^Military Comrades–Liu Ruilong and Zhang Aiping in the Anti-Japanese War Military Base 070
新四军水师 071^_^The Marine of New 4th Army 071
重上红军路 072^_^Return to the Road of Red Army 072
怀****同志 073^_^Missing Comrade Liu Shaoqi 073
孟良崮大捷 074^_^Victory of Menglianggu 074
整装待发渡长江 075^_^Ready for Crossing the Yangtze River 075
我东西两集团渡江 076^_^Two Army Divisons Crossing the Yangtze River 076
八圩晚渡 077^_^Night River Crossing at Baxu 077
捷音频报下杭州 078^_^Victorious News Repeats in Hangzhou 078
江南秋 079^_^Autumn in the South 079
三峡 080^_^Three Gorges 080
英雄城 081^_^Hero City 081
雁荡山 082^_^Yandang Mountain 082
都江堰 083^_^Dujiangyan 083
从化山中观百丈瀑 084^_^Watching Huge Waterfall in Conghua mountain 084
武夷山 085^_^Wuyi Mountain 085
秧田除稗 086^_^Seedling at Wheat Field 086
闽东行 087^_^Travel in the East of Fujian 087
源远流长大江东 088^_^Long River of Long Source down Eastside 088
怀少奇同志 089^_^Missing Comrade Liu Shaoqi 089
过分水关 090^_^Crossing Fenshui Gate 090
采药 091^_^Picking Herbs 091
南京长江大桥通车 092^_^The Openning of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge 092
红旗指出险路通 093^_^Red Flag Points the Outlet of Risky Roadway 093
创建根据地星火燎原兴 094^_^Creating an Anti-Japanese Democratic Base Area with Little Spark Lights the Field 094
工农掌武装绝处喜相逢 095^_^Workers and Peasants Take Arms, Happily Encounter at Risky Place 095
等闲千山过何惧万水深 096^_^Crossing a Thousand Mountains With No Fear of Dangerous Water 096
门双峙胜—三峡 097^_^Kui Men shuang Zhi Sheng double doors - the Three Gorges 097
重游雁荡灵岩 098^_^Revisiting the Yandang Lingyan 098
青田石门洞 099^_^Qingtian Stone Doorway 099
十里梅海拥山村 100^_^Ten Mile' s Meihai Village 100
螺门岛— 张震诗意画 101^_^Luo Gate Island-Zhang Zhen poetry painting 101
南京紫金山—张震诗意画 102^_^Nanjing Purple Mountain-Zhang Zhen poetry painting 102
忆洪泽湖—张灿民诗意画 103^_^Zhang Canmin Poetry Painting Recalling Hongze Lake 103
朝霞映在阳澄湖上(局部) 104^_^Glow Reflected in the Yangcheng Lake 104
秦岭—张灿民诗意画 书法 106^_^Qinling Mountains-Zhang Canmin Poetry Painting Handwriting 106
放眼二千年—刘瑞龙 107^_^Preview of 2000 Year-Liu Ruilong 107
述怀寄爱萍玉柱同志 108^_^Feeling Expression for Comrade Aiping and Yuzhu 108
三峡 109^_^The Three Gorges 109
冬晨过夹金山 110^_^Over Jiajin Mountain in the Winter Morning 110
淮北行政公署号召民众参军 111^_^Huaibei Civil Administration Called on People to Join the Army 111
登狼山 112^_^Climbing the Wolf Mountain 112
孟良崮大捷 113^_^Victory on Menglianggu Battle 113
我东西两集团渡江 114^_^East and West Army Divisions Crossing the Yangtze River 114
八圩晚渡 115^_^Bawei Village River Crossing at Night 115
军部重建四十五周年 116^_^The 45th Anniversary of Military Headquarter Reconstruction 116
由宝兴北返懋功 117^_^Return to Maogong from Baoxing 117
毕生为民仆 浩气满乾坤 118^_^Shen Shengwu 118
瑞气冲霄汉 龙腾碧云天 119^_^Zhang Shuyuan 119
江彤挽刘瑞龙联 120^_^Chen Yeming 120
春节伴彤偕淮东申宁去外滩 121^_^Chinese New Year' s Outing at Shanghai bund with Jiang Tong and Yanhuai and Yandong and Yanshen and Yanning 121
示诸儿^_^Enjoined on My Son and Daughters